Thursday, December 17, 2009

Melba Toast

This blog thingy was started as a way to keep track of all the crazy yet often hilarious still outlandish thing that come out of the mouths of children. My Children, and as a request from my grandmother Melba who inspired my to do so. So here it goes though I realize I should have started this much sooner, like five years soon when my first daughter started talking, and by talking i mean embarrassing the living crap out of her mother. As Melba said "one day you will want to remember all the things she said", Even tho I have repressed most of the nerve wracking things that have come gushing out her tiny mouth there are a few that stick out. Among the less offensive, I love how she called the refrigerator the food -a- rator ( very Dr. dufinsmet-ish, if you have children I am sure you have seen Phineas and Ferb) McDonald's- old Mac Donald's, where we would get Pantie cakes. She would correct any one calling her Abby and say "No my name is Avie A-V-I-E. I was proud that my two year old could spell her name but not everyone else was as impressed, maybe it was the way she would put her little fists on her hips and call them out on there miss pronunciation of her name. In any case I would watch from a distance with one eye shut and the other half opened, waiting for the reaction of the scolded adult to see if they took the correction in stride.
I will probably spend the rest of the night recalling humerus and embarrassing phrases she would say.
So I am starting this Toast To Melba while Eliza is just starting to spew these phrases that make me laugh and in the same breath make me cringe. However the latest is when she sees something scary be it on the telly or in our every day adventures. She will say" He not scary, a not scary ( as she looks to me for re assurance, and when I tell her no it's not scary) she laughs a nervous laugh and says " He just silly momma he just silly". Well here is to you Melba as I figuratively raise my glass to you(my half full glass) I toast your persistence to make me take note and document... my life's children. Melba Toast

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