It may not be a partridge ...but it is in my tree. This year like every year our tree is made up of the things that are relevant in our lives the things that inspire us, the hand made goodies of our children, ornaments with special meaning handed down from generation...NOT. Our Christmas tree is usually a collaboration of items found on sale the day after Christmas, a Hodge podge if you will of items marked 75% or less, Picking from the sparse shelves of unwanted Christmas goodies. Somehow we manage to find a common denominator and the items fit together as if we had ordered them from a catalogue( I wish there were such a catalogue). This year our tree was decorated out of necessity, the need to have more storage space. I recently decorated for a friends baby shower the theme was Feather The Nest. So while taking down the decorations and trying to find storage space for them , I thought hmm why not the tree.Birds live in trees, and fake birds should live in fake trees, and I posses such an item. So this year it may not be a partridge ...but it's in my tree.
There are bird nests with tiny feathers and eggs, large wooden vine wreaths, small sequined birds, and exsplosion of feathers, brown tissue pompoms,small church style bird houses,pine cones(that I Love),rust colored netting and a few decorative balls left over from 2 Christmas ago. So even with the constant redecorating, done by my artistically challenged two year old. The Christmas Tree still stands(although my five year old Avie did nock it over once I had it fully decorated, she manages to do this every year).
I know there are those of you who may think my tree a bit unconventional, but it to is a tradition passed down from the women in my family to make the ordinary a bit more creative. Thanks mom, tho not all appreciated your purple tiaras and feather boa tree, your purple and blue peacock complete with giant peacock feathers crowning the top tree, or your black ornament tree, your inspiration is contagious. So whether you like the traditional green tree (mine is white,and yes Blake it is staying that way)with red and green balls, with an explosive amount of tinsel, or you have stepped out of the box a little. Decorating the tree is a fun expressive way to say to all who see, Merry Christmas. So Merry Christmas to all. Plug up your lights and let your Christmas Spirit shine.
Your tree is as beautiful as my baby shower was. I'm glad you are getting to reuse those nests and birds!